Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Four Sheaths - The Spirit Body

We now come to the fourth sheath in the composition of the human being. Like the astral sheath, this sheath is also not from this earth. It is eternal and it too streams from the heavens above.  The challenge we all face when discuss this sheath is that its very mention conjures various images in our minds. These images are part of the landscape we struggle with when trying to understand this sheath. This sheath is called the spirit.

It is not unusual to confuse soul with spirit or even equate the two. And yet they are different. Whereas soul or as I called it astral, refers to a sheath in which lives movement, it is in the spirit sheath that which is truly our individuality. Spirit streams for older words that are associated with breathing. To inspire, for example, means to breath in the spirit of another or even more 
picturesquely, to breath in the breathe of another. Each of us breathes and we breathe for ourselves. In this sense, the spirit is about us individually. This imagination is still difficult to grasp. And yet, when we see any human being, we recognize easily, the physical nature, the etheric nature and yes, even  the soul nature (not just in the movement of the other human being, but also in how experiences are expressed – anger, joy, etc.). Often we stop here. And yet we too see in each human being an individual, regardless of the similarities which may exist.  That which allows us to be individual, and be perceived as individual is our spirit. 

Of course we can say that animals also have individuality and therefore the spirit may only be part of the soul. In reality, animals in general do not have individuality – it is true our beloved pets appear to have individuality but this is also because we the owners ascribe this individuality to them. Every time we meet another human being, we do find ways to identify them: a name, a mannerism, a physical description. In many ways, what we are doing is looking for a way to individuate them, i.e. to clearly seem them as individual and not just another face in the crowd (and even this last phrase is a clear indication that we see individuals, not groups).  

Both the astral and spirit sheaths are humanity’s connection to its spiritual origins in the same manner that the physical and etheric sheaths are humanity’s connection to its earthly origins. And just as the etheric is in a way the spiritualization of the physical world, our astral sheaths are like “materialization” of our spiritual origins. Thus the spirit on earth has not direct way of experiencing the earth except through the astral body. In turn, the astral body needs to penetrate and form a community with the etheric sheath as it rises from the earth. In this manner, the spirit is to our spiritual origin what our physical is to our material origin. The spirit is the vessel of my true spiritual nature. This is the real me.

For us, it is difficult to talk about our spiritual sheath although many older traditions still echo this once known connection. If one assumes that the heavens are always good, true, and beautiful, then in many respects, our spirit sheath, which originates from there, must always be good, true and beautiful. The imperfection we live with arises from the penetration of our spiritual nature by our material essence. This does not mean the physical world is imperfect; rather, it is non-spiritual in its way and the relationship that needs to be established between the spirit realm through the soul and the physical realm, through the etheric, is one of constant rhythm and movement that consciously finding and hold the harmony is the challenge of our daily lives.

Sources: Theosophy by Rudolf Steiner.

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